Could your business benefit from a call overflow service?

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If you have your own call centre or you deal with all customer queries in house, you may find yourself encountering common problems.

  • Missing calls at very busy times
  • Losing out on business to rivals with longer opening hours
  • Suffering from long queues at peak times leaving customers on hold for too long

But an overflow call centre service can help deal with all of these problems.

Here’s how:

Never miss a call

Peak times present a problem for any business. If you know that your call rate doubles or even triples for a couple hours during the peak time of day this can be a very difficult problem to deal with. Do you hire additional staff and just have them sit around doing nothing during the quieter times? Or do you allow yourself to be understaffed, missing out on important calls? Neither of these options is good, but missing calls is a huge problem. Not only does it mean that you could be losing out on business but also that you can be upsetting customers who can’t get through.

A call overflow service is the best solution to this problem. Only operating whenever you need them, the service ensures that you don’t miss out on any important leads but also that you aren’t having to pay additional money on staff that you don’t need.

Extend your opening hours

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In the days of the internet, where customers are shopping at all hours of the day, it can be absolutely vital to have staff available for longer hours to help deal with queries and orders. But once again we come back to the issue that extending your opening hours would normally mean hiring an extra shift worth of staff.

An overflow service means that you can extend your opening hours for as long as you want without having to invest more money. The overflow team can have the answers prepared for the easy questions, while any complicated or unusual queries can be passed to your main staff to deal with when their shift begins. An overflow service can be available 24-hours a day and even over the weekend if you need.

Improve customer service

Nothing is more frustrating for a customer than to not be able to get through or to be kept on hold for a long time. With a call overflow service, customers will be dealt with quickly rather than left to get frustrating. This will be a more positive experience for them and will reflect well on your business.

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